Enable More Than 20 Fields For Field History Tracking.

This approach uses a custom Text field which stores values of multiple other individual fields. Then enabling field history tracking of this field would allow you to track changes for multiple sets of other individual fields, instead of enabling field history tracking for 3 fields – Email, City, Phone- the only field which needs to be enabled for history tracking is the custom field – track3Fields.

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VLOOKUP Function In Salesforce

Use to comparing the field on related object.

VLOOKUP(field_to_return, field_on_lookup_object, lookup_value)

Create a validation rule and pass parameters, field_to_return, field_on_lookup_object & lookup_value.

Field_to_return : The field that contains the value you want returned
Field_on_lookup_object : The field on the related object that contains the value want to match
Lookup_value : The value want to match.
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